Signature Pink Box
Signature Pink Box
We'll pack your order in our signature Acro pink box if you're gifting it to a loved one. You can also add a note on the box to include a personal message.
Have questions?
What size should I order?
You may wish to size up or down depending on your desired fit. Please see our size guide for specific measurements to help you choose the perfect fit for you!
How do I properly wash/care for my pieces?
Machine wash your pieces in cold water and hang to dry.
Tip: For sports bras, remove the pads so they don't lose their shape and wrinkle quickly. Ideally, the pads should be washed by hand separately but they can also go in the washing machine. Do not iron.
How do I get a discount off my first order?
To receive 10% off your first order along with updates on sales, restocks and new drops, sign up to our mailing list.
Have other questions?
Check out our FAQs page.